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(44 People Likes) Can rubber dolls replace real relationships?
with them.
Why is this tendency appearing in our times?
Due to the constantly growing ego, we have developed to a state where we dislike our physical appearance, ultimately, wishing to abandon it and enter the world of sensations, of inner, non-external communication, i.e. communication not between bodies, but at a highe Real Doll level. We feel that we are not in demand and do not know what to demand from others. Therefore, we witness the emergence of artificial substitutions, like dolls, for the healthy relationships that we truly desire.
It’s all no more than games. In fact, there can be no substitute for such relationships.
I hope that the unfolding crisis of our era will sweep away this dirty industry, including all other excesses that a person invents and produces. At some stage, it will all be trashed and only the essentials will remain. Everything other than the essentials would be spiritual, i.e. whatever we use in order to rise spiritually, constantly improving and upgrading our perception and sensation of reality, as well as our relationships. This can only emerge from correct communication between people, when a state called “spirit” surges among us. People will then rise together in this spirit: we will discover an impenetrable feeling that we depend on each other completely. I’m not only talking about couples. I’m talking about everyone and everything. Such a mutual addition gradually elevates us higher and higher. It is the spiritual elevator, and it’s what we need to reach.
I have been studying, teaching and disseminating the wisdom of Kabbalah for over 30 years since I recognize it as the method for entering that spiritual elevator, love and happiness through our upgraded rel
(86 People Likes) What is an interesting fact of history that most people don’t know?
ver time with continual use.
2- The final border between the United States and Canada was agreed upon after battles broke out between American and British militias on Victoria Island. The battles started because an American shot and killed the prized pig of a wealthy British landowner when the pig was discovered digging up and destroying the entire potato crop of the American farmer.
3- During the Reagan administration, the United States established the first full-fledged embassy at the Vatican. The embassy was established after a meeting and agreement between President Reagan and Pope John Paul II. The Catholic Church gathered intelligence from Catholic clergy and faithful in Communist territories, which were funneled to Vatican City. The intelligence was then passed along to US Intelligence via the US Embassy at the Vatican.
4- Characteristics and details of a Jewish sect known as the Essenes can be found in a Masonic book openly published in 1870AD that were not known by archeologists and theologians until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1946AD.
5- The tomb of the first emperor of China cannot be safely excavated because mercury levels are so high. Legends concerning the Emperor state that his tomb contained a river of silver (mercury) surrounding his casket.
6- The name of Pharaoh Atmoses means “Son of the Moon” in Egyptian. It also means “brother of Moses” in Hebrew. There is no substantial, documented link between the Pharaoh and Moses historically. Still, it’s interesting to ponder.
7- The universal hand symbol for “stop” in Western Civilization means “approach, friend” in some Middle Eastern cultures.
8- Before being overthrown because of the military invasion by US Forces on the orders of President George H. W. Bush (the first Bush President), Panamanian dictator Noreaga became a compensated CIA and US Intelligence asset under President Reagan’s administration… while George H. W. Bush was in charge of the CIA.
9- Secret Service codenames for the President and his family change with every administration. President Reagan’s was “Rawhide”, Presidents George H. W. Bush, Clinton, and Obama were “Timberwolf”, “Eagle”, and “Renegade”, respectively. Before becoming US President, George H. W. Bush was “Sheepskin”. George W. Bush was briefly “Gilligan” and “Tumbler” before finally being changed to “Trailblazer” after 9/11. (Hilarioso! At least to me.)
10- President Bill Clinton and his wife Hilary Clinton became the first Presidential couple in US history in need of Secret Service codenames for subsequent campaigns. During the Presidential Campaigns of 2008 and 2016, both Hilary and Bill Clinton kept the Secret Service names assigned them while Bill Clinton was President and Hilary was First Lady… Bill Clinton was “Eagle” and Hilary was “Evergreen”.
11- During the Vietnam War, the CIA dummy company Air America was responsible for bringing no less than 70 tons of heroin into the United States from Laos. It was processed via an American Air Force Base in Thailand.
12- The Founding Fathers intended the Second Amendment to allow American citizens to not only be well armed to fight off enemies, but as a means of preventing tyranny by the US Government, itself. The idea being that if the people were as well armed as the federal government, they could hold the government in check, or even overthrow it by force if necessary.
13- In the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan while leaving an AFL-CIO Conference, a union official named Alfred Antenucci was actually the first to respond and bring down the wannabe assassin John Hinckley, Jr. Upon seeing Hinckley open fire, Antenucci hit him in the head and drug him to the ground, being helped by a local Cleveland union official named Frank J. McNamara, who punched Hinckley so hard, once on the ground, he drew blood, before Secret Service agents and law enforcement officers fell on Hinckley to assist, and prevent Hinckley from suffering the same fate as Lee Harvey Oswald, in retaliation.
14- John Hinckley Jr., and his family, were from Texas, where the family owned several companies, including a Texas oil company. The Hinckley family was friends with the Bush family, with George H. W. Bush being the Vice President for President Reagan at the time of the event. Had Hinckley been successful, Vice President George H. W. Bush would have become President.
15- In September, 2016 John Hinckley Jr. became the first known and detained Presidential assassin to be set free and released from custody by the US Government, not only once, but twice.. That’s because Hinckley was found “not guilty by reason of insanity” at his trial and remanded to institutional authorities for psychiatric treatment. Before the attempt on President Reagan, Hinckley had been detained and arrested by the FBI for stalking President Carter. The FBI did not share the incident with the Secret Service at the time.
17- Two precursors to modern man, Cromagnon, the Neanderthals and Denisovans, did not completely die out. Instead, in their respective geographical locations, they interbred with modern man. Most people of European descent possess Neanderthal DNA and most Asians possess Denisovan DNA, with populations from the Japanese islands possessing the most by percentage. It’s estimated that modern man’s general population’s genetic code is at least circa 2% DNA from these proto-modern human gr Love Doll ups.
18- The characters for Chinese and Japanese calligraphy descend from a similar singular system of writing, in some situations, allowing the writing of one of the cultures to be read and understood by the educated citizens of the other. However, the spoken language is unique to each culture.
19- The invention of mechanical clocks was originally invented by the Chinese. However, by the time of the normal interaction between European and Chinese civilizations, the technology had been forgotten by the Chinese. This led to the situation where, upon being presented with the gift of a mechanical clock by Europeans, the Chinese Emperor declared it a wondrous innovation, not knowing that it was his civilization to originate the technology centuries earlier.
20- The Japanese civilization is the oldest CONTINUAL civilization still in existence to this day, and has never been successfully invaded, conquered, and held by an outside force.* While dates for the start of Japanese civilization differs based on various criteria, the Japanese monarchy is also the oldest continuous hereditary monarchy in existence, beginning in 660BC, and having 126 hereditary monarchs and emperors since.
21- The current US Government under the US Constitution was not America’s first government after declaring Independence from Britain. The Articles of Confederation were in effect until 1789AD. They were found to be so flawed and ineffective, delegates met and replaced them with the Constitutional government.
22- Although being classified as a “Constitutional Monarchy”, Britain has no written Constitution, like in the US. Instead, it has evolved into a democracy based on the culmination of, and as a system of, laws and traditions over its history.
23- During WWII, Spain was the only fascist government to remain neutral for the duration of hostilities.
24- Despite being natural enemies on the political spectrum, Stalin felt so betrayed by Hitler with the German invasion of the Soviet Union, that he remained in seclusion for almost two weeks before emerging to speak with the Russian people and direct the military.
25- Before passing away, Lenin warned his Communist Party leaders about Stalin, his ruthlessness, and his ambitions to become the Soviet leader. It came too late.
26- Despite a declared armistice between Nationalist and Communist forces in China during WWII, with both sides agreeing to a cessation of hostilities in order to combat Japanese Imperial forces together, in most cases the Communist forces under Mao opened fire on the rear of Nationalist forces while they were occupied in battle with the Japanese, allowing the Communist forces a stronger military presence after WWII. They leveraged this position to push the Nationalist forces to Taiwan, where they founded the current Taiwanese government.
27- The Great Seal of the United States is the only official seal of a country to be double-sided.
28- During WWI, the King of England and the Czar of Russia, both grandsons of Queen Victoria of England, looked so much like one another they could be mistaken for twins.
29- To end hostilities between the Portuguese and Spanish Empires, the Pope mediated the dispute and declared what portions of the world could contain Portuguese and Spanish colonies.
30- Plague was used by a Hungarian king, King Vlad the Impaler of the Kingdom of Wallachia, as biological warfare to prevent the Muslim conquest of Europe by the Ottoman Empire. Vlad the Impaler became the basis for “Dracula”.
31- Just under circa 50 million Americans live under the poverty line.
32- The wealthiest 3 (Yes, that’ selene sex doll THREE.) Americans have more money than the bottom 161 million, or roughly half of all Americans, COMBINED.
33- Even setting aside the fact that Christopher Columbus was not the first European to come to the New World, he still never “discovered” America, as he never set foot in America. Italian Amerigo Vespucci actually discovered the mainland, from which his name in Latin is how America got its name, in 1507.
34- More American immigrants believe in the upward mobility of American society than “natural” born Americans, themselves.
35- The United States has the largest percentage of the working class believing in upward social and economic mobility than any other similar Western first-world nation, with almost 80% of the American working class believing in “the American Dream”. This predominant belief has led the US to rank 16th out of 25 similar Western first-world nations as far as assistance for its citizens, as most Americans, regardless of political affiliation, wrongfully believe it is unnecessary, with almost 50 million of its 330 million citizens living below the poverty line and needing assistance.
*Yes, the Japanese did surrender to, and were occupied by, the US as a result of WWII. However, the sole condition of the Japanese surrender was that the Japanese Emperor be allowed to keep his throne, which was accepted by President Truman. The Emperor remains on his throne to this day. Also, while being the only country subjected to nuclear weapons, not once, but twice, at
(54 People Likes) Any Alternatives?
are a fairly broad category of objects used for sexual fulfillment. These are pocket pussies, dildos, butt plugs, blow job machines, vibrating eggs, and more. Men and w selene sex doll men use these items to enhance their solo and partnered experien Cheap Sex Dolls es. Now, let’s look at the pros
(64 People Likes) How does inflation affect the rich?
the less money you have, the more you tend to borrow (as a % of income).
This phenomena drives much the conservative agenda: whenever you see commentary longing for a return to the gold standard, talking about the debt crisis, criticizing the QEs, talking about entitlement ref selene sex doll rm, criticizing spending – it all boils down to this fact: Inflation hurts the wealthy more than it does other classes.
There are only two inputs to an economy: labor and capital. During periods of inflation, the price of labor tends to increase more consistently than the price of capital.
Inflation reduces the amount of labor received in the future. So, if you’re providing the capital, it hurts you more than if you’re gonna be supplying the labor.
First and foremost, inflation is a tax on monetary assets. Inflation devalues cash, held in non-interest bearing accounts and a lot of fixed rate securities. While real assets generally appreciate, they do so unevenly and often disproportionately to inflation
Labor tends to be more elastic. Quite simply, people fight wage cuts. (For the purpose of this answer, i’m only addressing wage cuts caused by monetary policy as opposed to the secular wage cuts we’re currently seeing that are driven by technological change (which seems to cause people to blame immigrants..,)
Because of this rich folks tend to prefer “austerity”. For example, the conservative concern with the US debt has little to do with some profound concern about your grandchildren being saddled with debt as it does the erosion of the comfortable nest egg many of them have accumulated (and insulated them from a lot of the problems most Americans face)
I’m oversimplifying a couple concepts here. But, make no mistake, the wealthy are far more concerned with losing the money they have than they are with creating the potential for everyone to make a lot more – and that fact – drives almost every aspect of the conservative strategy.
Debt “crisis”
Undermining Federal Reserve power
Return to gold standard
Pegging our currency to anything
“Austerity measures”
Curbing “entitlements”
Attacking the welfare state
Privatizing social security.
It’s all one agenda. In an equal society, growth would be a welcome. But, the greater the income inequality, the greater the disincentive for the wealthiest to support strategies that c
(36 People Likes) Doesn’t anyone think that the incels’ problem would be solved with pornography or sex dolls? I am aware that the Japanese have a similar solution.
e, you see that self-described Incels believe they are entitled to sex without paying for it from women they desire.
Sex dolls won’t help. Sex work won’t help.
Incels tend to feel that, as sad and pathetic as they are, folks who have to spend money (whether on sex robots or visiting sexual workers) are worse. Here’s a random sampling from an incel forum:
Incels are not simply “men who can’t have sex.”
Incels are an extremely specific, and extremely toxic, subculture of men who have some incredibly po selene sex doll sonous ideas about women and sex. If you’ve never visited an incel forum (and good on you if you haven’t), it’s hard to understand the astonishing degre